Saturday, April 20, 2013

About you, Mary

I must resist the urge to spank you cause you have no idea of how annoying you are. You grossed us all out tonight by pooping in the tub, but then you gave me some hope. You watched carefully as I did the dishes and you really wanted to help.

I suspect that if I can make it through your terrible twos you will be a very sweet and helpful little girl. I think Joe is very sweet but you are 100 times sweeter, but he even gets so extremely angry with you. Anyway, I genuinely want to help, so I will start giving you little chores right away.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What may be

I will not be playing the game of what MAY be, but I must admit something I have thought about you all.

You will grow up to incredible fates. It is probably your whole generation that shares the attributes that endear you so much to me. It is my love for you that makes,me realize what is possible and what I must have as must you. I just watched a talk on timing on a website that is highly popular right now, called YouTube. I realize that it has been my greatest errors, but one I hope to correct in having and meeting you before I found a love whereupon I,might build a strong enough foundation to support the trials of a family.

This thought  just occured to me, that if I was strong enough to keep things together for this long an equal mate will have almost unimaginable strength. Or, maybe I was too insane to even know what was going on.

It is the fact that I was not of sound mind that I both blame and excuse any mistaken genius of what I did. I only know that any love that I have for Nick should but doesn't far outweigh any I have for you. I have considered that I sort of bite the bullet, but not pull you into my misery and pretend for you that I am in love, but I cannot be sealed to him. Because, I could not honestly covenant before God nor expect it to be able to endure forever.

Love will be such that it will make everything seem possible, which it is and why we sing that God is love, and our natures are divine. Love sounds like Faith and there are alot of likenesses, both are active and seem like a dream to those who do not know it and only hope for it.

It is,my wish that you all find love and never let it go, but if love let's go on you, granted we must allow others their freedom but if they chose to leave just think better now than later. Somethings can be too late, learn that before the consequences ate too severe.