Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another excerpt


It was a day, just like any other, when Mr. Dommertz came home early shortly after the children arrived home from school. He announced to his wife as he walked in the room, "Tonight we are going out to eat". "Oh my, What is the occasion?" asked his wife, quite relieved that she wouldn't need to figure an answer to that age old question, "What's for dinner" as her cute answers had all been used and this was not a day for her wit to take charge. Her eldest daughter quickly responded to her father's voice, " Hey Daddy, Know what I'm going to be when I grow up?" "he replied first to his wife "Nothing in particular. I don't think legally, a man needs a reason to take his family out to eat." his daughter grew impatient for attention and said, " neither do I... Know what I'm going to be, that is. Jed wants to be a astronaut and Fanny wants to be rich or a mermaid. I think she's still deciding since they are neith mutually inclusive." He just nodded and handed his wife her coat, "I'll be waiting in the van."

They arrived complete with their future astronaut, and mermaid because breathing underwater is better than being rich. Mr. Dommertz walked in and said "5" to the friendly hostess who gave him a notifier and told him that it would be about 5 minutes to clean off and prepare their table. "You hear that, Honey? It only takes them 5 minutes to prepare our table." Mrs. Dommertz replied "Darling." to her eldest daughter " That's what you should be."
"What?" She asked.
"Whatever can prepare for dinner in minutes."
"Oh. Ha ha."

Then the notifier buzzed and an announcement was made over the intercom,"Dommertz party of 5 your table is ready."
