I really ought to start a new blog specifically to put the things trying to care for Gavin taught me. It would be fascinating (entertaining), and enlightening.
Today, he put me over the edge with his shenanigans. But, I had some quiet time where I realized that I had my own answer made clear through him.
Here's what happened. He hurt Joe an was screaming at Lena for not letting him play with some pokemon cards she had out. Joe, upon recovering told me that Gavin was bad and that,he was going to kill him. When Gavin gets upset, he totally errupts.
Anyway, I have learned that it is best to be loving, if I gang up on him, too, which I do to try to get him to think about things by directing his attention, but then he just feels totally picked on and alone and he lashes out. So, I asked him to come sit by me and we would sort things out, but, he did nit come to me. I felt like the Savior who tells us that even after rejecting his arms are outstretched still. Well, I called to him again, but he refused.
Then Brookaie told me that even though he was acting like a jerk, he was actually moving, ever so slightly towards me, and my mind thought well, tough I am out of patience, I told him plainly what I wanted and he made his choice, though trying not to by appearing to reject while technically coming. I thought how the savior would,be so happy with the progress that it was. I was not about an hour later as he flirted with sitting next to me, he said, "well, I want to sit by you, but you will make me say sorry, and it is too hard." And that is exactly why I loved Nick. I was soooo impressed with the value that,he assigned to the word sorry that he would not just say it to make,life better.
I have grown weary about Nick, too. I was so caught up in how valiant he was to even feel unworthy that I didn't see what was really going on. I have no more patience. But, at a regional conference in WA, Thomas S. Monson told a story about a woman in a yellow dress who told a story about a man who seemed old and unloveable, but she prayed and asked to feel a portion of the love the Savior had for this man, and she said it was so overwhelming that she required rest afterwards. And from that I gather that God loves each of us, but my answer is that everyone has a certain place to belong. And we do not belong together. My fear is that there is no one I belong with, but saying that demonstrates a lack of confidence in God to oversee things. "Fear departs when faith endures!"