Friday, December 11, 2020

Most important thing

 The absolute most important thing, is that you recognize your inner compass and then point it in the right direction.

Mary, you seem t be doing very well with this. You recognize that you will live forever and as such must cling to those things that never die and "Charity NEVER faileth..." After our lesson this morning, you gave to another something they had no way to obtain themselves and in turn to your surprise they did the same back. You asked if it is charity if you trade. we decided that it was and I was so glad to explain how families work that way. If you read this, remember how you felt. THAT is so important. that is pure love and if a thing causes that feeling it is worthy.

The whole reason I even thought to write any of this is because I was thinking seriously about the interview I would have regarding my stewardships to each of you. I always think of that around Christmastime. Mostly, it is to ease my mind regarding finding the right gifts. I wonder what is the most important thing to teach you? is it reflected in my example? I want to be proud of the way that I acted in response to you, and as such I feel it most important to explain something of extreme importance:

It is important to figure things out in your mind, but do not rely on your thoughts for the truth. It is a lot like the internet. A great resource, but for every way it helps it also hinders. I have personally seen many very intelligent, mentally, reason themselves out of comprehending the truth.

It is also important to feel things with other senses. But that also can fail, which is why like, our divinely inspired form of government, comprehending truth has a third testimony or witness. It resounds in my head how in a tv show  a guy said that they loved to deal with those who base their morality on Supernatural things, cause they can be manipulated. I figure Satan will surely use that technique in the latter-days to cause otherwise "elect" individuals to fail and cause so much bad with the intent to do good. 

So we need to have an intellectual testimony to back us up and rely on, but will still need another witness, which I have heard referred to as the "testimony of the hand", which brings us full-circle back to Charity. 

The hand Does...There is a wonderful talk about a statue of Christ surviving a calamity, but loosing it's hand. The indigenous people kept the statue explaining that they were his hands. I love that. It is through serving others that we develop a third witness. It is easy to understand in the practice principle of tithing. You can reasonably explain the significance of paying tithing. Check the first verification of the mind, then my parents provide the best example of the supernatural testimony. it sort of blows the mind typically, but they swear that somehow if you give to God you will have everything you need even if it numerically doesnot add up. then, the third way is the testimony you gain by doing a thing. Sometimes thinking might not work, believing could be used to trick you if you only believe blindly, but if you do a thing, you will know that it is true. It is like taking a leap of faith and learning truth by doing.

Ok, enough lecturing for now. I love you all!



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