Saturday, December 21, 2013

Potty training

There was a brilliant moment this evening where Joseph (taking a,bath) announced that he felt his pee coming and jumped out of the bath to use the toilet.

To me that is the key. Otherwise, potty training is like trying to teach others how to receive revelation. You will feel it, but feel what? I was so glad that Joseph knew!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A bit of advice

I doubt it will ever be asked so I will be proactive. Here it is for whenever you wonder: Do not ask what could happen. Thinking that you are above hardship or mishap. I thought it was a done deal being sealed properly in the temple and even discussed as much with Brandall. Maybe that was the trouble I let the idea even get it's foot in the door and get comfortable. Years later, it still hurts to have my dreams crushed.