Saturday, August 24, 2013

On a lighter note

Joseph is going on and on about Sandy Cross. I was telling him that the Blue line goes to the temple when he told me that,he knew the Green line goes to the airfort. He corrected me and said no, it stops at Jesus church but it goes to Sandy Cross.

Storytelling revisited

I have been thinking a lot more lately how important storytelling is to society. If I had the time to devote I would write a paragraph on each: Bedtime Stories, Scripture stories, campfire stories, parables, anecdotes, jokes, Aural histories, etc. but most fascinating to me was the thing my aunt, who is my mother's (your grandmother) sister, said today.

She talked about how she listens to music though she is deaf. I was just talking about the detriments of holding on to the past, but in this very case I discovered that our memories are very useful and intended. I want you to know the sort of people who proceeded you in this life and probably are awaiting you in the next, like my grandparents are for me, and being as I do not have as many opportunities to share such tales with you in a more "organic" situation. I hope that you will read her own words and think whatever your little mind generates.

I do not listen to music the same way as when I was younger as most of you know. I know all the songs before 1980 and how they sound so when I read the lyrics of an old song, I can hear it in my head just like it used to be. Or if I go to a live band that plays them, I can feel it and remember it and it is just like it used to be. The newer songs, I watch the video on tv with the words captioned and by looking at the singer and how they are singing it, I have pretty good idea what it sounds like. I will sometimes turn on the GAC station and watch of my favorites right now is "You can crash my party anytime" Well any ways that is how I have music in my life.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday movies

I found many videos from the scriptures at so I am hoping the kids will gradually learn these stories by seeing them everyday. I suspect that is the way I learned so many truths and stories but do not recall exactly where I learned such things.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mary Anne's Song

I wrote a lulaby for Mary ans she liked it so much she started signing it to herself. I am sure she reverted to Jake and the neverland pirates and me, though. But, I recorded it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another Lesson from naptime

Whenever we go anywhere Mary Anne tells me, like around the house, when it is time for her nap. Today was no different. And it was awesome as She came up begging I just assumed that it would be impatience expressed about lunch which was almost done, but she went to the fridge and got a drink and said " night night, mommy."

The lesson came as I was carrying her up to her bed she just went limp and I almost started crying. It was beautiful to me that she had that much trust in me. My balance is poor and just the other day as I was taking her to bed I hit her head on a wall, on accident, but I felt terrible and cursed my instabilities. But, this afternoon I felt so much better knowing that she was that calm. My lesson came from that little voice that said, "Now that is trust."

Now, why can't I be that at peace?